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Our Guiding Light - Volume 1[Hardcover]

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Did you ever hear a story about a Gadol from long ago, and try to picture it? How did it happen? What exactly transpired?

No discriptions, however colorful, could ever portray the realities. The old time villages, the unpaved roads, the houses on the verge of collapse, the multicolored rainbow of personalities living in an era of once upon a time.

We will never truly understand the inner workings of their challenges as Yidden throughout clung steadfast to the sheltered walls of Torah and Yiddishkeit.

Father to son, teacher to student, we hear stories of the lofty giants who walked these winding dirt paths, the shepherds of our people. The leaderships of these Gedolim are stored in the vast collections of our history, both from their writings and from the records of their students. But their everyday behaviors, the mindane acts and travails, remain unknown.

Unlike the Gedolim of today, no comprehensive biography was ever written describing the lives and legacies of these leaders. All we have are but small vignettes, illuminated glimpses into their holy lives. 

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